A downloadable port

A port of my unshared Scratch game. It's very basic and dumb but I'm still proud of it.


Left-Move Left


Right-Move Right


Andy (Me, BlooBee11)

Rew (OC)


Jojo (OC)


Christian (OC)

Kodi (OC)

Niney (OC)

Android (OC)


Mexatron City- A technologically advanced city in Britain.

Stone Garden- A peaceful garden with lots of mountains and stone.

Plazma Plaza- An abandoned plaza now being used as a base of operation for Android.

Emerald Jungle- A jungle near the plaza's sewers with beautiful greenery.

Marine Temple- An ancient temple on the verge of flooding.

Noir Bridge- Mexatron's bridge named after it's use of navy blue.

Smog Factory- Android's second base of operations being used to produce smoke and gas to stop humans from coming near it.

Sky Ship- Android's final base this time a giant flying battleship repurposed out of an old 

Life on Scratch (mit.edu)

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